Five Simple Ways To Create Your Own Homemade Vagina Sex Toy

I've been a long time sex toy lover, and over the years have gotten creative with my sex life, finding pervertables around the house and adapting to suit my needs. Recently though, something has been ticking away in my mind. It's a desire to create a pocket pussy. Now, I don't have a penis to use it on, but one day I may find myself with a man in my bed and the freedom to use him in this way. My train of thought led on to me diving head first into the search engine, asking the question - How to make a homemade vagina sex toy?

What exactly is a vagina sex toy?

There are a number of sex toys specifically created for the penis. A realistic vagina or pussy toy is designed to replicate the sensations you may experience with PIV sex. (PIV stands for Penis In Vagina.) Generally made from soft, yielding materials that are molded into lifelike labia and fleshy folds. These sex toys offer a unique set of sensations provided by internal textures of the vaginal walls.

Why might you want to make one at home?

Perhaps you're reading this thinking you want to buy one. You might find that a vagina as part of a larger sex doll torso, such as the Yolanda, is an exciting proposition. Or maybe a handheld device which is much more discreet, such as the Carl, ticks your boxes. If so I imagine you saying "Thanks for the links, why should I keep reading?" I guess you're right in a way. With penis specific sex toys now being widely available in adult stores, both online and in person, why would you need to make one for yourself? Well, there's lots of reasons.

Perhaps you have a limited budget for pleasure products? You might have always been curious about using a vagina sex toy, but do not wish to spend the money on something you don't know if you'll use.

Or perhaps you've ordered one but want to enjoy one NOW, and the tracking states that your parcel will be with you in two days. Why wait?

And then you have crafty connoisseurs who just like the challenge of creating something that feels good, maybe even different from anything you could buy in a shop. Just because it's fun!

Whichever group you're in, you're not alone. The internet is teeming with video tutorials and written guides for creating your own pocket pussy. Join me as I explore a few different ways of creating your own vagina sex toy at home.

What materials will you need?

Each of the guides I have found has its own list of materials that you'll need, though they often seem to include a rubber band for holding everything in place, a glove (or similar) for inserting yourself into, and a variety of suggestions for adding textures. Aside from ensuring that you use a suitable lubricant, to prevent rubbing yourself raw, there are two things that spring to mind. Just because you're making it yourself, doesn't mean you're exempt from safety concerns.

The first thing that leaps to mind is to ensure the rubber bands you might use aren't too tight. A snug fit is sure to feel good, whereas one that is too tight can cause injury.

The second consideration is to check the materials you're using. Gloves, for example, are often made of latex and, if you're sensitive to this then you will want to ensure you're using something that isn't going to trigger a reaction. Substituting nitrile gloves, which are readily available and suit even the tightest of budgets.

How can you make one at home?

The team over at Jokestrap Sexy Time have lots of ideas for simple homemade vaginas, but there was one that caught my eye. Roll a rubber glove loosely in a folded towel like a Burrito, then slide it into a disposable cup. Next wrap the top of the glove over the rim of the cup and secure it with a rubber band. Squirt in your lube of choice and it's ready to go.

Similarly to the towel in a cup design, Stebee Webee takes us through making a sex toy from a pringles tube. Half filling the empty tube with scrunched up plastic bags, he then lines the remaining length with a couple of dish sponges. Next, they insert a glove, folding it over the top of the tube, securing it in place with rubber bands. There you have it, your very own pringle pussy.

Another simple way to create your own sex toy at home is covered over at Mancave where he takes you through sexy crafting with a sock, a sandwich bag and some rubber bands - all items which are readily available in most homes. By inserting the sandwich bag into a folded down sock and securing it with rubber bands. These bands dictate the tightness of your homemade vagina so make sure it's not so tight it will cause problems.

If you want a slightly more involved crafting experience then perhaps this next option is for you. It requires a pool noodle, rubber bands and gummy bears. We're back with the team at Jokestrap Sexy Time again for their homemade textured masturbator. Cut a length of noodle and then split down the middle. Slice gummy bear sized slits in the centre of the noodle before pressing a gummy bear into each hole. Next lay a disposable glove onto one half, with the wrist extending past the end. Now put both halves back together, fold the glove back over the noodle and secure everything with rubber bands. You can use this one again and again, or enjoy a tasty snack when you're finished.

If you want to learn how to make a toy vagina with one, yes - just one - piece of equipment, then check out Masturbaliero on Pornhub. They use a single modelling balloon to create a textured masturbator. I'm sure it's not their first time trying, and it would take some practice (and confidence) to make as neat and tidy a stroker as they have, but what a party trick to learn!

What are you waiting for?

With the internet being awash with instructions for how to craft a homemade vagina (or anus) sex toy I know I've barely scratched the surface. These five ideas are simple to put together, mostly using things readily available around the house. Don't be limited to just these though, the only limits are your crafting supplies and your imagination.

The Barefoot Sub

The barefoot sub (she/her) is not only an owned submissive, but also a mum, writer, model and all round kinkster. Through her writing she aims to inspire her peers to live their best life, achieve the greatest pleasure, and follow their own authentic path.