Most men worry about the size of their penis. "Average penis size," "is my penis too small," and "does penis size matter" are some of the most popular searches on search engines. And, to save you a search, the average penis size (in the United States) is 5.16 inches (13.1 cm). Because most men watch porn, and because most porn actors have larger than average penises, most men believe that their penises are below average. Of course, this means that most men wish that they had larger penises.
If you have this particular wish, then this article will make you rethink it. Have you ever heard the expression, "too much of a good thing?" This applies to most things and, of course, it also applies to penis size.

First things first, let’s define a "big dick" before we begin. Like we mentioned before, many scientific studies have determined that the average penis length (while erect) is 5.16 inches (13 cm) (in the US). These same studies have determined that, if you have a penis that’s over 6.3 inches (16 cm) when erect, you have a bigger dick than 95% of all men in the US (PsychologyToday). These same studies also determine that many women consider any penis over 7 inches as "too big," or rather, "big enough to be uncomfortable."
So, let’s dive into problems that arise if you have a big dick. Even if you don’t have one, this article will still be interesting and, if anything, reading it on your computer (or even leaving it open while you go do something else) will make people think you were doing research about your big friend downstairs.
1. Discomfort while wearing pants and boxers:

The most common problem that you’ll run into if you have a big dick, is discomfort. Too much of a good thing, right? First of all, most pants and boxer briefs tend to ride tight in the crotch while sitting in cars, in office chairs, and when going up stairs. If you have a big dick, you’ll know that the crotch of your pants will shift depending on how you sit, stand, or walk. When this shifting happens, it’s very common for your boxers to pull upwards and become snagged on your penis or scrotum, cutting off blood flow or pinching your skin with the tight fabric. This is why it’s important to change the position of your boxers or briefs during the day, ensuring that you are comfortable. If you have a big penis, then there will be less room in your briefs and in the crotch of your pants. This is a big problem if you have to wear dress pants or suit pants, as you will also have to tuck your shirt into the crotch of your pants, making things even more tight.
To address this problem, you can buy pants and boxers that are looser in the crotch area and make sure not to wear them too high on your waist. You should also avoid crossing your legs if you can.
2. Discomfort during sex:
Now, when it comes to sex, you might be under the impression that the bigger the penis, the greater the pleasrue. But this is a very common misconception. As a matter of fact, the opposite is true.
Everyone talks about penis length, but not many people talk about vaginal length. That’s right, guys, vaginas don’t just go on forever. They stop, and they stop sooner than you’d think. Like penises, vaginas change when the person they’re attached to is aroused. On average, an unstimulated vagina is from 2.75 inches (6.9 cm) long to 3.25 inches (8.25 cm) long. Stimulated, the length of the vaginal opening ranges from 4.25 inches (10.8 cm) to about 4.75 inches (12 cm) (WebMD).
Notice something about those numbers? They’re not very high. The average penis is longer than the depth of the average vagina. Of course, this ranges due to the woman’s age and sexual activity, but, even then, the average penis is still longer than the average vagina is deep.
Now let’s talk G-spots. The G-spot is actually close to the vaginal opening, only around 1 inch (2.54 cm) into the vagina. As you should know, the G-spot is the best place to stimulate a woman, and you can do this from inside the vaginal canal by stimulating the upper walls close to the vaginal opening. This is the spot where most of the nerves that create pleasure are located on a vagina, so this is the spot you want to be stimulating. Of course, some women want to be filled and penetrated deeply, but you don’t need that much length to do this either.
If you have a big penis, you shouldn’t try fitting all of it into a vagina. This will cause discomfort both for your partner and for you. The vaginal walls are sensitive and can be torn if not penetrated the right way.
To address this problem, you have to keep in mind the depth of the average vagina, only using the ¾ or so of your penis to penetrate, leaving some of the length outside.
3. Finding condoms that fit: