Expanding your sexual horizons? Set your sights on tantric pleasure. According to WebMD, it's a thousand year-old practice that originates from ancient India. It uses breath, movement and mindfulness to achieve a heightened state of pleasure and intimacy.

It's all about slowing down and being present in the moment so you have to take time to explore your own body or your partners, and focusing on every sensation that comes up during sexual activity.
It's guided by core principles, one of which is the concept of energy flow. Through this, sexual energy is a powerful force that is harnessed and directed throughout the body. If done right, you and your partner can experience deeper and more intense sensations during sex.
Another core principle is the emphasis on mindfulness which means that one should be fully present and engaged in the experience without practicing judgment or giving into distraction. Doing so can contribute to that deeper connection and intimacy with yourself and with your partner too.
Due to its ancient origins, it's traditionally seen as a practice done between heterosexual couples. But modernization allows this practice to be enjoyed by a variety of couples and sexual orientations. After all, this is a practice that focuses on the inner self in relation to pleasure, not who you are as an individual.
In short, tantric pleasure is a powerful practice that helps individuals deepen their sexual connection and experience greater pleasure and intimacy. By exploring this practice and cultivating a mindful approach to sex, individuals can unlock a whole new level of sexual satisfaction.
Tantric Sex Cards
If you've decided to discover the beauty of tantric sex, then the best way to start is getting to know its different tools and techniques. Starting with Tantric Sex Cards.
Tantric sex cards "can be a tool that can be used to enhance the practice of tantric pleasure." They typically feature different poses, movements, and breathing exercises that can be used to help individuals nurture a deeper connection with themselves and their partner. Think of this as a version of a card game where picking a card will lead to certain fun consequences. Only this one is more intimate and requires looking inside yourself.
Types of Tantric Sex Cards
Chakra Deck
A popular type of tantric sex card is the chakra deck. It's designed to help individuals balance and activate different energy centers in the body which are called chakras. Using these cards allows individuals to harness sexual energy more effectively.
Touch Deck
Another type of tantric sex card is the touch deck. It features different touch-based exercises that can be used to build intimacy and connection between partners. To help paint the picture, this is somewhat similar to strip poker! By exploring different ways of touching, you and your partner can learn to communicate their desires and needs more effectively, leading to a more satisfying sexual experience for both partners.
Overall, tantric sex cards are a valuable tool for individuals and couples looking to deepen their sexual connection and experience greater pleasure and intimacy. Whether used alone or with a partner, these cards can help discover new sensations.
Tantric Sex Books
If cards are not in your favor, then maybe seeking the wisdom of tantric sex books could be the one for you. There are many books available that cover various aspects of tantric pleasure, including its history, philosophy, and practical techniques.
The Art of Sexual Ecstasy
A popular book is "The Art of Sexual Ecstasy" by Margo Anand. Anand's work provides an overview of tantric pleasure and offers practical exercises and techniques for individuals and couples looking to deepen their sexual connection.
Urban Tantra
Another popular one is "Urban Tantra" by Barbara Carrellas. Barbara offers a modern take on the ancient practice of tantra and provides guidance on how to incorporate tantric principles into a contemporary lifestyle.
Whether you're a beginner or a tantric sex connoisseur, there are a lot of books readily available that can help you deepen your understanding of tantric sex.
Tantric Sex Positions
If you've played your cards and sought knowledge from the books, then it's time to try out positions from the tantric sex practice. According to Mind Body Green, tantric sex positions are an important aspect of the practice because it helps individuals cultivate deeper connections with themselves and their partner. It involves a combination of breath, movement, and mindfulness that offer more intense and pleasurable sensations during sex.
Let's run down the popular tantric sex positions:

Yab-yum requires one partner sitting cross-legged while the other sits atop while facing them. They wrap their arms around each other – shoulders or hips, your choice, and engage in slow movement while breathing deeply and making eye contact. This position is said to be particularly effective for cultivating intimacy and connection between partners.

The Lotus has partners sit facing each other with their legs crossed and their feet touching. They then wrap their arms around each other and engage in deep breathing and eye contact as they pleasure themselves through penetration or grinding. This position is said to be particularly effective for building on the initial intimacy and sensation and intensity of it.

In this position, one partner lies on their back with their legs up and over their head, while the other partner kneels and penetrates them. This position is said to be particularly effective for deeper penetration and intense sensations. Should a couple choose to participate in this?
Reverse Cowgirl

Should a couple like to engage in positions with penetration, another recommended position is the reverse cowgirl. That's because it's a supportive position that pleases both partners. Just have one partner sit on top of the other with their back facing the other partner. The receiving partner can either lie down or sit up to help support themselves. Then the partner on top penetrates the receiving partner from behind. This position is said to be particularly effective for deeper penetration and g-spot stimulation.
The Bridge position is a popular tantric pleasure position that involves one partner lying on their back with their feet flat on the ground and their knees bent. The other partner sits on top of them facing away and leans back, using their arms to support themselves. This position allows for deep penetration and g-spot stimulation. It can also be a great way to increase intimacy and pleasure between partners. It involves a combination of breath, movement, and mindfulness that offer more intense and pleasurable sensations during pleasure. Like all tantric pleasure positions, it requires communication, patience, and a willingness to explore one's desires and boundaries with their partner.
Tantric Sex Chair
If you want to elevate the unforgettable feeling experienced in tantric sex, then a tantric sex chair is the perfect match! They have a curved design that allows individuals to comfortably recline while engaging in various breathing and movement exercises.
Kama Sutra Chair
A popular type of tantric sex chair is the Kama Sutra. It's made based on an ancient Indian text of the same name and allows individuals to explore a wide range of sexual positions and sensations.
Usually, it features a curved seat and backrest, as well as handles to support easy movement and adjustment. This makes it ideal for individuals who want to experiment with different positions.
Tantra Chair
After the Kama Sutra chair, it's the Tantra Chair, this chair is created to provide comfortable support for a wide range of tantric positions, including the yab-yum position and the lotus position. Its incredible versatility offers flexibility in this slow-burn excursion down the road of tantric sex.
Aside from a curved seat and backrest it also features a variety of cushions and supports to allow for customized comfort and positioning. This makes it ideal for individuals or couples who want to explore the practice in a comfortable and supportive environment.
Tantric sex chairs can be an important tool for anyone looking to elevate sexual connection and experience more pleasure and intimacy. Whether used alone or with a partner, these chairs can help individuals explore new levels of sexual satisfaction.
Tantric Sex Retreats for Couples
Just in case you and your partner want something new, like hanging out with other tantric couples, then heading to a retreat is a great way to do that because you can experience a variety of workshops, seminars, and experiential exercises, all focused on the practice of tantric pleasure. Looking for an example, this video paints a good picture of what happens there!
Benefits of Tantric Sex Retreats
There are a few but amazing benefits to attending a tantric sex retreat but one that sets these different from the rest is the opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners and teachers. They provide guidance and support as couples explore new techniques and practices, and can help them navigate any challenges or obstacles that arise.
Another benefit that comes next to that is the chance to meet with new people who have the same interest! A couple will realize that there's an entire community that shares the same needs, wants and goals in regards to tantric sex can help feel more comfortable exploring their sexuality and desires.
Typically, tantric sex retreats last several weeks to months depending on the setting like the wilderness or cityscape. Meaning, choosing will be quite difficult because there are so many options to choose from!
Indulging your curiosities and attending a tantric sex retreat can be a way for couples to not just deepen the connection, experience pleasure and intimacy but also heighten that and solidify between lovers. Ultimately providing grounds to have healthier relationships down the line.
Tantric Sex Therapists
Just in case that you'd like to continue engaging the services of tantric sex therapists, then here are a few things that you need to know. According to [], these therapists typically have extensive training in the practice of tantra, as well as in other related fields such as psychology and counseling. Creating the ultimate trifecta of cultivating a healthy tantric practice!
Reasons to Seek a Tantric Sex Therapist
One of the reasons why some individuals and couples seek tantric therapy is because it offers the chance to receive personalized guidance and support. These therapists can provide guidance on a wide range of issues related to sexuality and intimacy, from communication and consent to exploring new techniques and practices. Talk about taking away most of the trial and error through a few, in-depth sessions!
Another reason is that working with a tantric sex therapist can open up doors to receiving support as individuals and couples navigate any challenges or obstacles that arise. They can help individuals and couples develop all of the skills and know-how necessary to cultivate a deeper connection with themselves and their partner, and can provide support and guidance throughout the process. This is amazing in resolving issues whether of the self or of the lovers in a way that is fair and just.
Individuals and couples can reach out to tantric sex therapists through their private practices, retreat centers and workshops. That's why it's important to engage in these retreats and communities so you can establish connections that can help you in the long run.They specialize in working with individuals or couples, and may have expertise in a variety of areas related to sexuality and intimacy.
There you have it, a comprehensive guide to everything about tantric sex. It might look different to the sex we all know about but it has its merits. So if you've decided to discover the beauty of tantric sex, then the best way to start is by getting to know its different tools and techniques. Starting with Tantric sex cards that can be a tool used to enhance the practice of tantric pleasure. Tantric sex books are also available to deepen your understanding of tantric sex which is incredibly important as the mind is pivotal to doing this right. Finally, tantric sex positions are an important aspect of the practice because they help you cultivate deeper connections with yourself and your partner.