It’s Masturbation Month! Celebrate the Beauty of Pleasuring Yourself

It's Masturbation Month! Celebrate the Beauty of Pleasuring Yourself

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the leaves are blooming from branches all over town. It's finally spring, everybody!

What better way to celebrate than taking a walk outside, with a warm coffee in hand?

Wait, that's not your thing? Maybe you'd like to plug your earphones in and settle in a quiet spot in the park as the new Taylor Swift album croons in your ears?

Still not hitting the spot? Maybe it's more of your jam to lie down in bed, settle against the soft mattress in nothing but your skin and touch yourself to satisfying pleasure?

If that's something that you'd been wishing to do since the season's turned, then you'll be excited to hear that this coming May is Masturbation Month!

Yes, you heard it right. This isn't your typical Tiktok trend, this is an actual cultural thing that celebrates the beauty of pleasuring ourselves.

If this is your first time hearing about such a thing – then you're in luck because we're about to take you through how this all began and how it continues to positively impact all of us!

What is Masturbation Month and How Did It All Begin?

Technically, Masturbation Month is celebrated every 28th of May but this is more than just a date – it's a commemoration of the person and community that fought for our right to explore our bodies and find what feels right for us!

Back in 1995, the Surgeon-General, Dr. Joycelyn Elders suggested to the United States government that masturbation be included in sex education. In response, then-President Bill Clinton asked her to resign (a.k.a. fired) which feels incredibly inconsiderate, and to a certain extent even conservative for the administration at the time to do.

It seems like the general public felt the same way because when news of this got around, a San Francisco-based sex shop called Good Vibrations took it upon themselves and coined May 28 as Masturbation Month. This was the spark that fuelled the fire within communities to raise awareness, create conversations and make change as to how people perceive masturbation because it's not an act that you should be ashamed of – if we quote Good Vibrations themselves: “it's safe, it's healthy, it's free, it's pleasurable and it helps people get to know their bodies and their sexual responses.”

Now that we've established that touching yourself is fun and healthy, how do we do it? It sounds easy on paper (and even on the porn we see), but it's more than touching yourself willy-nilly…

What is Masturbation and How to Do It?

Anybody can masturbate! By definition, it is the act of touching your own genitals for sexual stimulation to provide a way to relieve sexual tension that has built up over time within singles and couples alike especially if you've been experiencing a period of stress or lack of intimacy.

While the past has turned masturbation into a shameful stereotype full of claims it's made by the devil, it's actually one of the healthy ways to manage your emotions and regulate your bodily rhythms so you can come out of this (get it?) refreshed and recentered to take on any day.

So, how do you do it?

It all starts with communicating to yourself that everything will be okay. You won't be burned at the stake but you will feel this fiery sensation in your core that leads you to a satisfactory end.

Then, it's all about trusting your own hands to touch your erogenous zones in gentle circles before building up on the speed and pressure until you arrive at a pace that makes you moan the time away.

The next thing you'll know, you're living with the knowledge on what makes you feel good and using it whenever you need.

What is Mutual Masturbation and How to Do It?

If you're in a place where you're ready to experience new levels of pleasure within the realm of masturbation, then maybe engaging in mutual masturbation is the right next step!

By definition, mutual masturbation is when partners use their hands or toys to stimulate each other's genitals. It's a way for couples of all varieties to pleasure their partners and deepen the knowledge of each other's bodies – therefore enhancing the trust and intimacy shared between them.

There are quite a few ways to do this! First, is the most common method: using your own hands. It allows you to be skin-to-skin, hand to clit or fingers around the cock to understand what twist, pinch or stroke gives your partner the utmost pleasure.

Second is through the use of toys. While this rids you of the use of your own hands, it does allow you to use the features of a sex toy to maximize stimulation and in turn, pleasure.

What Sex Toys can I Use for Mutual Masturbation?

We now live in a world where sex is growing to be a normal thing to engage in conversation about, and that is wonderful! It means that we have access to more reliable information from individual experts and reputable organizations – especially when it comes to the use of sex toys in our lives.

This comes in handy because we're here to show you which sex toys you can use in your exploration of mutual masturbation!

App-Controlled Vibrators

app controlled vibrators

First up are app-controlled vibrators. The name itself is quite telling of its features because through the help of a companion phone app, you can control the vibrator from multiple distances. So whether it's just lying beside your bed or your partner is secretly holding it under the table during a dinner outside, these vibrators will work wonders against your erogenous zones.

Some of the best in this game is Terri – she's an app-controlled, finger-tapping, rabbit vibrator designed with a distinctive hollow that gives the finger tap the maximum range of movement that is similar to real fingers flicking across your clit.

She's also designed with nine unique vibrating and tapping patterns which statistically gives you exponential ways to use Terri according to what makes you feel good. Not just that, the fact that she comes in waterproof, body-safe silicone provides an environment where it's safe to use in dry and wet situations without the fear of damage.

Butt Plugs

butt plug

A little aways from the common road are butt plugs – and that's because it's also important to pleasure your rear-end too!

Butt plugs like the Doro Plus are designed with a flared base to avoid getting sucked in too deep and getting stuck inside the anus. Additionally, it also provides two different types of stretches due to the different girths of the tip and base.

Some butt plugs are simple – it doesn't have much features apart from its flared base, and that makes it perfect for newbies who're trying out anal as part of their mutual masturbation. Simple yet effective. 

On the other hand, the Doro Plus offers the additional features of vibration and remote control – making it the perfect option for partners who have had a few rounds of anal and are ready to take it to the next level. With ten vibrations patterns that you can manipulate with a touch of a button, you can take control of your pleasure or even hand it to someone else for that exhilarating hands-free pleasure.

G-Spot and Clitoral Stimulators

g spot and clitoral stimulators

These babies are in a different league – especially the Tickler as it's designed to function like its namesake!

It has ten vibrating modes, ten tapping modes and ten wiggling motions in an ergonomic design to ensure triple the pleasure, triple the fun. In fact, if you're not prepared – this might catch you off-guard and send you straight to the land of overstimulation.

It's best to take a deep breath, start slow and work your way across its many options until you've arrived at a place where you can confidently say that your g-spot and clit and thoroughly satiated.

Male Masturbators

male stroker

Of course, we can't leave the men behind. There are also toys made specifically for the pleasure of the penis.

HAYDEN 2 is one of them! Its design is reminiscent of a vacuum but not to worry – this one won't suck your cock into oblivion. On the contrary, it's built with 360-degree rotation with seven thrilling patterns to make sure that if you miss your partner's hands, this is a good alternative.

If its stroking function does not satisfy your craving, then maybe its sucking function will. HAYDEN 2 also offers seven different air-pressured sucking patterns to emulate the seven different kinds of mind-blowing oral you receive from your partner.

Not to mention the fact that this is also waterproof so all your fantasies of fucking in the shower and tub will come true in case you're not in the arms of your partner yet.

What are some Other Ways to Celebrate Masturbation Month?

Well, what if you don't have a partner to engage in mutual masturbation with? Or you're not in the mood to touch yourself to heaven?

We've got you! Here are some other ways to celebrate masturbation month by yourself or with your partner:

Educating Yourself

It's always a good idea to educate yourself about the things you don't know. The same goes for sex because it's an ever-evolving form with new ways of pleasure emerging with the seasons.

So, load up your Google and read up on reputable websites such as Amaze, Planned Parenthood, Go Ask Alice and Scarleteen in order to absorb up-to-date information that allows you to navigate your bodies better in the realm of sex and pleasure.

Journal your Fantasies

Hear us out here, it might seem out-of-place but journaling your fantasies actually helps you communicate them with yourself or with your partner. It becomes an avenue for you to be completely honest about what you want and how you want it to be done, and therefore lessens the awkwardness when the time comes to finally make those fantasies a reality.

Watching Steamy Shows

Yes, this is common. Yes, this is easy to do, but not a lot of people know that watching steamy shows actually helps to inform your brain on how it visualizes certain sexual acts before doing it by yourself. It eliminates the stress that comes with trying things for the first time and not knowing what to do so you can engage in these acts, like masturbation, with confidence.

Reading Erotic Books

If watching people get it on is something you're not ready for yet then maybe reading it will be the perfect alternative.

Novels actually allow you to visualize scenarios in your own way – further enhancing your imagination and preparing it for the day you're ready to enact those scenarios in real life.

You can grab your erotic read from hashtags like #booktok on Tiktok as there are a lot of amazing recommendations made by readers and connoisseurs of the hot and orgasmic.

Sensual Dancing

Last but certainly not the least, if none of the other options fit your fancy, then dancing to the heavy bass and sensual melodies might be your jam (get it?).

Music has the capability to transport you out of reality for a moment and into a space where all you have to do is to follow the beat with sways of your body and waves your hands across your own skin. It's such a great way to touch other parts of your body before going down to your most erogenous zones, and understand how every inch of you reacts.

Plus, it allows you to squeeze in a quick workout as well because dancing by nature lets your sweat and release those endorphins!


This Masturbation Month, don't let the woes of the past tell you that sex is something to be ashamed of. Let the present tell you that sex is a natural part of our lives and masturbation actually allows us to know our bodies more and treat them well through the art of pleasure.

Tina Young

Tina Young has always been passionate about exploring sexuality and empowering others to explore and express their own sexual desires. She is an experienced sex toy reviewer, examining people’s relationship with pleasure and the expression and fulfillment of their desires through sex toys. Tina is also a sex coach, helping individuals understand, express, and become comfortable with their own sexuality.